何謂"過大禮"呢? 當一對新人在教堂步入人生另一階段之前, "過大禮"就是訂婚的最隆重,也是最重要的儀式;因為這儀式過後就等如正式定立了婚約, 這儀式約在婚前十五天至二十天進行。男家擇定良辰吉日,攜帶禮金和多種禮品到女家訂約, 約定與女方從此一起携手漫步人生路. 太太太太浪漫了. 中國的傳统習俗文化請不要忘記啊!!!!!! 如要籌備"過大禮"服務, 只需給與我們的資金預算, 你們便可安在家中, 我們的專業團隊會為閣下悉心安排. 製造出一個有體面的產品配套. Handing the wedding gifts to fiancee is the most important part in Chinese traditional history. Fiance usually brings the wedding gifs to fiancee's family 15 days to 20 days before the wedding day to confirm the marriage and promise to walk with fiancee hand in hand till old. Sooooooooooooo romantic. Please don't forget our Chinese tradition and it is so precious and so proud to reserve it. We have professional team to assist you to arrange the "wedding gift packages" at your choice when you give us your estimated budget.
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